Some people think I have a great memory since I'm rarely late and never forget... but here is my secret!
More Christian Organizing for Head, Home and Heart at A1 Organizing & Design
Best way to Organize your Family? Signs of Glory!
Make this the best year of your Life... IT IS UP TO YOU!
Less Mess, Less Stress. GOD BLESS!
Christian Professional Organizer, Author and Speaker shares how she keeps her positive attitude based on the Bible. How to keep calm in the middle of chaos. Holly's attitude is on purpose, it is now by habit, ergo Habitude. What is your habitude?
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
How to set Goals!
Part one... 3 minutes:
Part two... 5 minutes:
Now you need your 2014 Goal sheets, get them at A1 Organizing now!
YOUR CREATOR SAYS "Diligent Plans lead to profit as sure as haste leads to poverty"
Have a blessed New Year! 2014 is yours!
Part two... 5 minutes:
Now you need your 2014 Goal sheets, get them at A1 Organizing now!
YOUR CREATOR SAYS "Diligent Plans lead to profit as sure as haste leads to poverty"
Have a blessed New Year! 2014 is yours!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
New HABITUDES for 2014
14 ways to Organize 2014: Get a new “Habitude”
Your habitude is your “Attitude by habit”
1 Laugh out loud every single day, many times.
2 Be the most positive person everywhere you go. Right now, whether you “feel like it” or not, be the Shining Light! Smile and say "Hello" to everyone you see, yes in the store, at home, at the red light, at work. Oh, and make eye contact too.
3 List 10 reasons to be grateful right now. Don’t forget about your eyes to read this, the computer to receive this, any food in your cabinets, running water, a shower, and all the other things we may take for granted. Then… if you really want monumental changes in your life, add 3 more each day! And it gets even better when you have your children do this as well, talk about it while tucking them in.
4 Tuck the kids into bed every night. Pray with them while you are there. Yes, even teenagers, especially teenagers!
5 Make the habit of spending time with your Creator before you ever get out of bed
6 Spend time with your family that doesn’t include a screen – right now.
7 Never have the TV on for more than an hour a day
8 Pray with your Spouse outside of church. I heard Dr. Phil (and everyone seems to believe him!) say that America’s divorce rate was nearly 1 out of 2, “unless….” You do this: Pray with your spouse! Why are we not praying with our partners!?
9 Forgive them all; right now. You don’t have to be friends, just don’t be enemies. Remember your God knows your heart. You truly know that you have forgiven those who have done you wrong when you can pray for their blessings.
10 This one is great for your kids as well: Look for, seek out someone you can help today (every day) Ex: help carry, open door, help pay, leave a nice note, encourage, give time, tell good job, help with chores, just listen. Oh, and… this is a cure for depression as well!
11 Leave notes for your husband in his shirt pockets, socks, planner, tool box etc. We have been HAPPILY married for over 22 years, and he still LOVES the notes. Nope, never gets tired of hearing what a great dad, provider, listener, giver, handsome husband he is. Imagine that! And don’t forget to include empowering Scripture! Think about it ladies, this is important. Men love them, he will think of you when he randomly finds one, and positive notes boost their confidence. I can tell when my husband hasn’t had notes for a while! If you don’t a crabby old man later, do something about it today! Remember… sowing and reaping!
12 Take some time to reflect - either alone or with a Mentor or friends. I never knew how important history was for so long. The Bible tells us there is nothing new under the sun. It has all been done before. Read your Bible, learn from Him. Learn from and with others!
13 Organize a mail station and start filing what you need to keep. Don’t let all the paper drive you crazy in 2013! The devil isn’t after your “stuff” he wants your “joy”.
14 Worship with your family! When your Praise is loud, fun, colorful and bold your kids will want to worship this God! Loud, fun, colorful and bold IS our God and what a blessing when your whole family with their arms in the air!!!! Signs of Glory will come to your family, your Church and your event! We want to JOYFULLY praise with you!
These are just a few things that you could incorporate into your life RIGHT NOW that will change your “Habitude”. Remember, your Habitude, is your attitude by habit. Don’t think “Holly’s Habitude” came automatically, not until I knew what my Maker said! We have control over our thoughts, our attitude, our Creator says that we do! We all have a habitude that we have organized over time, but is it what we really want it to be? Is our current Habitude what our family needs it to be? What they want it to be? How much fun are we to live with?
This is just food for thought, but it all really works. And hey, “You are going to eat anyway today, so choose a few from the buffet above, right now!”
Your habitude is your “Attitude by habit”
1 Laugh out loud every single day, many times.
2 Be the most positive person everywhere you go. Right now, whether you “feel like it” or not, be the Shining Light! Smile and say "Hello" to everyone you see, yes in the store, at home, at the red light, at work. Oh, and make eye contact too.
3 List 10 reasons to be grateful right now. Don’t forget about your eyes to read this, the computer to receive this, any food in your cabinets, running water, a shower, and all the other things we may take for granted. Then… if you really want monumental changes in your life, add 3 more each day! And it gets even better when you have your children do this as well, talk about it while tucking them in.
4 Tuck the kids into bed every night. Pray with them while you are there. Yes, even teenagers, especially teenagers!
5 Make the habit of spending time with your Creator before you ever get out of bed
6 Spend time with your family that doesn’t include a screen – right now.
7 Never have the TV on for more than an hour a day
8 Pray with your Spouse outside of church. I heard Dr. Phil (and everyone seems to believe him!) say that America’s divorce rate was nearly 1 out of 2, “unless….” You do this: Pray with your spouse! Why are we not praying with our partners!?
9 Forgive them all; right now. You don’t have to be friends, just don’t be enemies. Remember your God knows your heart. You truly know that you have forgiven those who have done you wrong when you can pray for their blessings.
10 This one is great for your kids as well: Look for, seek out someone you can help today (every day) Ex: help carry, open door, help pay, leave a nice note, encourage, give time, tell good job, help with chores, just listen. Oh, and… this is a cure for depression as well!
11 Leave notes for your husband in his shirt pockets, socks, planner, tool box etc. We have been HAPPILY married for over 22 years, and he still LOVES the notes. Nope, never gets tired of hearing what a great dad, provider, listener, giver, handsome husband he is. Imagine that! And don’t forget to include empowering Scripture! Think about it ladies, this is important. Men love them, he will think of you when he randomly finds one, and positive notes boost their confidence. I can tell when my husband hasn’t had notes for a while! If you don’t a crabby old man later, do something about it today! Remember… sowing and reaping!
12 Take some time to reflect - either alone or with a Mentor or friends. I never knew how important history was for so long. The Bible tells us there is nothing new under the sun. It has all been done before. Read your Bible, learn from Him. Learn from and with others!
13 Organize a mail station and start filing what you need to keep. Don’t let all the paper drive you crazy in 2013! The devil isn’t after your “stuff” he wants your “joy”.
14 Worship with your family! When your Praise is loud, fun, colorful and bold your kids will want to worship this God! Loud, fun, colorful and bold IS our God and what a blessing when your whole family with their arms in the air!!!! Signs of Glory will come to your family, your Church and your event! We want to JOYFULLY praise with you!
These are just a few things that you could incorporate into your life RIGHT NOW that will change your “Habitude”. Remember, your Habitude, is your attitude by habit. Don’t think “Holly’s Habitude” came automatically, not until I knew what my Maker said! We have control over our thoughts, our attitude, our Creator says that we do! We all have a habitude that we have organized over time, but is it what we really want it to be? Is our current Habitude what our family needs it to be? What they want it to be? How much fun are we to live with?
This is just food for thought, but it all really works. And hey, “You are going to eat anyway today, so choose a few from the buffet above, right now!”
Monday, December 2, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
If your sanity for the rest of 2013 is worth 3 bucks, this is for you. This is how we do it...
Your 6 weeks of a calm Christmas starts right here, right now! Your step by step guide so THIS CHRISTMAS WILL BE ORGANIZED! The whole season can be calm and peaceful... as it was designed!
See the reviews here and add yours to them!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
Your 6 weeks of a calm Christmas starts right here, right now! Your step by step guide so THIS CHRISTMAS WILL BE ORGANIZED! The whole season can be calm and peaceful... as it was designed!
See the reviews here and add yours to them!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
WHY We are Set Apart
THIS IS HOW WE ARE SET APART. It's not about what we do for our's about what HE did for us! No matter what Church we are in, no matter how stiff or quiet... THIS IS WHERE IT ALL CHANGES... "AMEN!"
More Signs of Glory here!
More Signs of Glory here!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
JOYFUL kids want to Praise with YOU!
THIS is how you Organize your family! The family that WORSHIPS together stays together!
More Signs of Glory here!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Beautiful Worship
The best way to Organize your Family is to PRAISE TOGETHER! We will come to your Church or Community!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Better than Religion
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
BEST way to Organize your family with Signs of Glory here!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Monday, October 7, 2013
Thursday, October 3, 2013
So important for girls!
See girls, our Creator sees us as "clothed in strength and dignity", so Moms, it is up to us to dress ourselves and daughters that way... so we can "laugh at the days to come" But if we dress in a weak worldly, undignified way,it is opposite of how we are and we don't laugh at the days to come. We get depressed. It is not too late! How do we reset our girls? Easy... buy dignified clothing and let them know why!
Proberbs 31:25
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
Proberbs 31:25
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Jump start your brain with ASL!
Like any muscle the more you use it the stronger it becomes! Organize your brain and your memory by learning American Sign Language!
See HIS Signs of Glory here!
See HIS Signs of Glory here!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
Friday, September 6, 2013
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
You are so right!
More Christian Organizing Resources at A1 Organzizing & Design
BEST WAY to Organize your Family here!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
MAP Goals
Why set goals? Because you won't hit a target you don't have.
How to set goals and stay motivated? M.A.P. GOALS!
More Christian Organizing Resources at A1 Organizing & Design
How to Organize your Family at HIS Signs of Glory!
How to set goals and stay motivated? M.A.P. GOALS!
More Christian Organizing Resources at A1 Organizing & Design
How to Organize your Family at HIS Signs of Glory!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Arise my Love!
These teens will come to your Church and/or Event to JOYFULLY PRAISE with you. We charge nothing to do this beautiful presentation of the Bible via American Sign Language, Lights and Contemporary Christian Music! There's hope! Kids do more than play video games... Amen!
More Signs of Glory at
More ways to Organize your family at A1 Organizing & Design
More Signs of Glory at
More ways to Organize your family at A1 Organizing & Design
Sunday, August 4, 2013
BC and AD What do they REALLY mean?
Very interesting... even atheists are confessing!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
See the BEST Family Organizing here with HIS Signs of Glory!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
See the BEST Family Organizing here with HIS Signs of Glory!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
We we do it
Not too long ago I would have laughed if you told me I would be doing this...
Why we do HIS Signs of Glory...
More Christian Organizing Resources at A1 Organizing & Design
See HIS Signs of Glory here now!
Why we do HIS Signs of Glory...
More Christian Organizing Resources at A1 Organizing & Design
See HIS Signs of Glory here now!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored
Pretty simple and here it is!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
Family Organizing via Signs of Glory here!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
Family Organizing via Signs of Glory here!
Monday, July 15, 2013
There is no better way to Organize your Family than JOYFULLY WORSHIPING TOGETHER! Kids love HIS Signs of Glory, and Grandma loves it too! Plus...
There are people who have never gotten to hear a sermon... but now, we all can SEE the sermon... FEEL the sermon!
HIS Signs of Glory are kids that love to JOYFULLY PRAISE our Lord and want to Praise with you at your Church or event! We are from Ohio but here is a glimpse of our service in St. Louis!
We come freely to Worship with you, contact HollyOrganizer at 740 757 2944 or
Signs of Glory here at!
There are people who have never gotten to hear a sermon... but now, we all can SEE the sermon... FEEL the sermon!
HIS Signs of Glory are kids that love to JOYFULLY PRAISE our Lord and want to Praise with you at your Church or event! We are from Ohio but here is a glimpse of our service in St. Louis!
We come freely to Worship with you, contact HollyOrganizer at 740 757 2944 or
Signs of Glory here at!
Monday, July 8, 2013
MORE than exercise!
Exercise your body, your mind and your spirit!
See His Signs of GLORY in action HERE!
More ways to Organize your life at A1 Organizing & Design.
Connect with me on Facebook here!
See His Signs of GLORY in action HERE!
More ways to Organize your life at A1 Organizing & Design.
Connect with me on Facebook here!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Happy Independence Day!
In case you can't get out this year... even if you do... this is so beautiful!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
How to have FUN Organizing! Yes, Fun.
As with anything that you don’t really want to do it helps to remember “why” you should do it. So maybe first let’s go over why it is NOT fun to be DISorganized:
1. You will run in circles. You think you know where it is, but it’s not there. So now you must look here. And while here you notice something else that needs your attention, so now you go over there. But there isn’t where it is, there is not where anything you need is. It’s time to check the first place you looked where it wasn’t. Yet we hope it is there now. And it’s not… grrrr. Get it?
2. We will appear incompetent. I don’t care if you are President of Pearls & Pretties, or the Mother of a two year old, you do NOT want to come off like you don’t want to know what you are doing.
3. Your stress is killing you… and your attitude. Newsweek says that 90 percent of us are seeing a Doctor due to a stress related illness, and they do count Cancer. And if that isn’t bad enough, your attitude will ruin the short life you do get… and that of those around you.
Ok, are we ready to get organized no matter how we feel? Great, but let’s make it enjoyable and fun, yes fun! Fun enough for the whole family and I do suggest the family get involved so that they aren’t just part of the problem, let them be part of the solution as well! I’ve seen it over and over…
When the family sees all that is involved, they tend to keep it organized!
Now the HOW to make it fun:
1. We all have things that we lost over the past week, month and year, right? Make a list and Everyone put down one or two items that would be great if you found them… Make a Scavenger Hunt out of organizing! As you go through your items create a contest of whom Finds the most “lost items” on the list!
2. If someone wants to keep an items that most think should be donated or thrown away, that Person gets 30 seconds to persuade the rest it should be kept and then all vote on it!
3. Make a contest over who has the heaviest garbage bag at the end! Make the prize an event, or something to do vs. “stuff”
And even more than all the above, while organizing you will uncover old memories, funny memories, and life events that you forgot about. How could that not be fun?!
Create fun, productive family time with huge benefits… Get Organized this summer!
More Christian Organizing Resources at A1 ORGANIZING & DESIGN
See HIS Signs of Glory here!
As with anything that you don’t really want to do it helps to remember “why” you should do it. So maybe first let’s go over why it is NOT fun to be DISorganized:
1. You will run in circles. You think you know where it is, but it’s not there. So now you must look here. And while here you notice something else that needs your attention, so now you go over there. But there isn’t where it is, there is not where anything you need is. It’s time to check the first place you looked where it wasn’t. Yet we hope it is there now. And it’s not… grrrr. Get it?
2. We will appear incompetent. I don’t care if you are President of Pearls & Pretties, or the Mother of a two year old, you do NOT want to come off like you don’t want to know what you are doing.
3. Your stress is killing you… and your attitude. Newsweek says that 90 percent of us are seeing a Doctor due to a stress related illness, and they do count Cancer. And if that isn’t bad enough, your attitude will ruin the short life you do get… and that of those around you.
Ok, are we ready to get organized no matter how we feel? Great, but let’s make it enjoyable and fun, yes fun! Fun enough for the whole family and I do suggest the family get involved so that they aren’t just part of the problem, let them be part of the solution as well! I’ve seen it over and over…
When the family sees all that is involved, they tend to keep it organized!
Now the HOW to make it fun:
1. We all have things that we lost over the past week, month and year, right? Make a list and Everyone put down one or two items that would be great if you found them… Make a Scavenger Hunt out of organizing! As you go through your items create a contest of whom Finds the most “lost items” on the list!
2. If someone wants to keep an items that most think should be donated or thrown away, that Person gets 30 seconds to persuade the rest it should be kept and then all vote on it!
3. Make a contest over who has the heaviest garbage bag at the end! Make the prize an event, or something to do vs. “stuff”
And even more than all the above, while organizing you will uncover old memories, funny memories, and life events that you forgot about. How could that not be fun?!
Create fun, productive family time with huge benefits… Get Organized this summer!
More Christian Organizing Resources at A1 ORGANIZING & DESIGN
See HIS Signs of Glory here!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Joyful Worship... FUN!
HIS Signs of Glory want to come to your Church or Event!
Like us on Facebook here!
The website for HIS Signs of Glory here!
Bless! Be blessed!
HIS Signs of Glory want to come to your Church or Event!
Like us on Facebook here!
The website for HIS Signs of Glory here!
Bless! Be blessed!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Print your Scavenger Hunt list here! Scroll to bottom left to print off!
More tips on Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design here!
To See HIS Signs of Glory go here!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Kids and Chores
More Christian Organizing Tips at A1 Organizing & Design
See what Responsibility does for these kids! HIS Signs of Glory here!
These kids want to JOYFULLY come to praise and worship with you in Signs Language & Song!
We freely come.
Friday, May 17, 2013
A1 Organizing's SUMMER WELCOME!
Was trying to wait for a calm day to film for you, but they just don't happen on this hill... so we don't wait for the perfect conditions, we just get it done! Amen!
Get your free printable Organizing resources at A1 Organizing & Design!
See HIS Signs of Glory Here! We want to come and joyfully praise with you!
Get your free printable Organizing resources at A1 Organizing & Design!
See HIS Signs of Glory Here! We want to come and joyfully praise with you!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
OUR "Reality" TV
More Organizing Resources at A1 Organizing & Design
Print off your KID RULES with Sowing & Reaping consequences Here!
See the SIGNS of GLORY here now! Our theme this year is JOY and we want to come worship with you!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Signs of Glory in Chippewa Lake Ohio!
Some people never get to hear a sermon! With Signs of Glory you get to SEE the music! Signs of Glory is made of of kids who do a presentation of the Bible through ASL (sign language) and contemporary Christian music!
Our Theme is JOY! Yes, kids can do more than play video games... Amen!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design!
Our Theme is JOY! Yes, kids can do more than play video games... Amen!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design!
Friday, April 26, 2013
Shopping for Depression
Ok here goes a little Holly's Habitude BEFORE you go shopping this year. Now now that summer is near we are shopping for bathing suits... please keep these in mind:
1. We are to be set apart, we are "clothed in strength and dignity" choose a suit that has some dignity
2. Remember perverts can't wait to see your daughter in her new bikini
3. When we buy certain swimsuits it draws the attention of more perverts than the kind of guys we want them to date/marry
4. The Kind of man you want for your daughter doesn't want to see her hanging out for everyone else to see.
5. We set our daughters up for depression by letting them think what fades, falls and flabs is most important...
Ok, have fun shopping! It takes longer to shop for a Princess... but totally worth it!
1. We are to be set apart, we are "clothed in strength and dignity" choose a suit that has some dignity
2. Remember perverts can't wait to see your daughter in her new bikini
3. When we buy certain swimsuits it draws the attention of more perverts than the kind of guys we want them to date/marry
4. The Kind of man you want for your daughter doesn't want to see her hanging out for everyone else to see.
5. We set our daughters up for depression by letting them think what fades, falls and flabs is most important...
Ok, have fun shopping! It takes longer to shop for a Princess... but totally worth it!
Monday, April 22, 2013
Praisercise... with your Puppy!?
Whether you are Praising or Planning, Exercising or Working... Don't let distractions keep you from what is truly important!
See the real SIGNS OF GLORY here!
More Resources on Organizing your Family at A1 Organizing & Design
Have a blessed day and it's TRUE... Less mess, less stress. GOD BLESS!
See the real SIGNS OF GLORY here!
More Resources on Organizing your Family at A1 Organizing & Design
Have a blessed day and it's TRUE... Less mess, less stress. GOD BLESS!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Sometimes we just make it boring...
Church is not boring! Don't let your kids, your family, think God is boring!
You know our God has a sense of humor when you look at the chihuahua... or the baboon! The Designer of the Universe created fun!
We welcome 2 new SIGNS of GLORY at practice for our FUN and JOYFUL worship in Chippewa Lake Ohio April 21st! COME!
We will joyfully come to your Church or event too! A great way to Organize your family!
These kids want you to "like" their page on Facebook!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
You know our God has a sense of humor when you look at the chihuahua... or the baboon! The Designer of the Universe created fun!
We welcome 2 new SIGNS of GLORY at practice for our FUN and JOYFUL worship in Chippewa Lake Ohio April 21st! COME!
We will joyfully come to your Church or event too! A great way to Organize your family!
These kids want you to "like" their page on Facebook!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Now THAT's a Habitude!
Live Life like HE left the gate open... He did! There is freedom and joy in knowing the Creator of the Universe has the door wide open for YOU!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
Extreme JOY with Signs of GLORY here!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Ah, Spring...The time of year we Professional Organizers get slammed! So let me help you. This is it. This is how you Organize Everything, plain and simple.
Less mess, less stress. God Bless!
Less mess, less stress. God Bless!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Mind Clutter
Goal Setting with Purpose... but First Things First:
More Organizing Based on the the Bible at A1 Organizing & Design
Print off your Free 2013 Goal Sheets at
SIGNS of GLORY does Sign Language to Contemporary Christian Music in your Church! ASL with Song is a Beautiful Presentation of the Bible!
More Organizing Based on the the Bible at A1 Organizing & Design
Print off your Free 2013 Goal Sheets at
SIGNS of GLORY does Sign Language to Contemporary Christian Music in your Church! ASL with Song is a Beautiful Presentation of the Bible!
Monday, April 1, 2013
Goal Setting
Hey, THIS is the PERFECT time to set new goals! With Easter just passing let's remember it's all new!!! We have a brand new month, a brand new week, a brand new beginning! Here's how to set yourself up for SUCCESS!
More Organizing Resources at A1 Organizing & Design
We want to come and spread the JOY in your Church! See Signs of Glory Here!
More Organizing Resources at A1 Organizing & Design
We want to come and spread the JOY in your Church! See Signs of Glory Here!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Set Apart
It's okay, you are SUPPOSED to be different... YOU are SET APART... now, how would we know that?!
More TRUTH and confidence building at A1 Organizing & Design
Set your Church worship apart with SIGNS of GLORY! A most beautiful presentation of the Bible through Sign Language and Song!
More TRUTH and confidence building at A1 Organizing & Design
Set your Church worship apart with SIGNS of GLORY! A most beautiful presentation of the Bible through Sign Language and Song!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Organizing Pictures!!!!
Wow, what do we do with all these memories... that no one gets to see...

Do you need to GET ORGANIZED? Take the Organizing Quiz at now!
Church is not boring... or shouldn't be boring... our God isn't boring! See a most beautiful presentation of the Bible through Sign Language and awesome Contemporary Music with SIGNS of GLORY!

Do you need to GET ORGANIZED? Take the Organizing Quiz at now!
Church is not boring... or shouldn't be boring... our God isn't boring! See a most beautiful presentation of the Bible through Sign Language and awesome Contemporary Music with SIGNS of GLORY!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Peace and Water
I always wondered why I could hear God more clearly while in the shower or the pool... then I found out why... When He created the earth He "parted the deep"... when Jesus speaks it is like "rushing water"... Water is heavenly and cleansing and relaxing.
If you don't feel the Peace that comes from water... then let me help you out... get your PEACE at the falls!
If you don't feel the Peace that comes from water... then let me help you out... get your PEACE at the falls!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Average to STUNNING
Just like with these staircases, it's up to us
to make what we do interesting! Check it out: average everyday put to
use in a most interesting and beautiful way... JUST LIKE US!
Yes, we can and SHOULD make the dull everyday into simply spectacular. These are must sees... and we are must do's!
Yes, we can and SHOULD make the dull everyday into simply spectacular. These are must sees... and we are must do's!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
YELLOW is more than a color... it's an ATTITUDE! Make YELLOW your HABITUDE!
And remember... sometimes we need to make it YELLOW, even if we aren't feeling YELLOW yet...
"Act as if..."
Here's help!
And remember... sometimes we need to make it YELLOW, even if we aren't feeling YELLOW yet...
"Act as if..."
Here's help! hollyorganizer/yellow/
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Nothing beats Praisercise
Praisercise gets your Mind, Body and Spirit in shape... and with His Favor... the benefits are doubled! You can have fun, get fit and find favor right now! There is no better way to start your day... nothing beats Praisercise!
Signs of Glory is made up of family and friends - we love coming to Praise with you! Sign Language to Song is such a beautiful presentation of the Bible!
Church is not boring, God is not boring!

Signs of Glory is made up of family and friends - we love coming to Praise with you! Sign Language to Song is such a beautiful presentation of the Bible!
Church is not boring, God is not boring!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
What we do over and over and over
More Christian Organizing tips, goal sheets, daily "act as if's", Organizing quizzes and other free resources at
Organize your Church Event with SIGNS of GLORY! A stunning presentation of the Bible through Sign Language & Song... we want to JOYFULLY praise with you!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
PRAISERCISE changes everything: Testify to Love
No better way to start your day to Organize your Thoughts, Exercise your Body, and Praise the One who made you! Doing this will change your entire day!
We started Signs of Glory in 2012 after we were devastated by a "closed door"... but as always... God had something better in mind! Amen! Now, as a family, we get to come to your Church or Event just to Praise with you and spread the JOY!
The kids would love for you to "like" their Facebook page! Thank you and we hope to see you soon!

We started Signs of Glory in 2012 after we were devastated by a "closed door"... but as always... God had something better in mind! Amen! Now, as a family, we get to come to your Church or Event just to Praise with you and spread the JOY!
The kids would love for you to "like" their Facebook page! Thank you and we hope to see you soon!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
How to Organizing Time, Life & Paper
Why I am never late or miss an appointment. How I accomplish everything I set out to do. Why people think I never forget anything...(LOL)... I don't remember... I just write important stuff down where I can find it!
How to Use a PLANNER!
More Organizing tools and techniques at A1 Organizing & Design
If you think Church is boring... we'll change your mind! SIGNS of GLORY here!
Have a super day and remember... Less Mess is Less Stress. God bless!
How to Use a PLANNER!
More Organizing tools and techniques at A1 Organizing & Design
If you think Church is boring... we'll change your mind! SIGNS of GLORY here!
Have a super day and remember... Less Mess is Less Stress. God bless!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Preparing for YOU!
Practicing 2 new songs with ASL for 2013!
Like with anything you want to be good at, you must practice! We want to be ready to JOYFULLY praise and worship with you at your Church or event!The kids would love for you to "like" their Facebook page!
Signs of Glory
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design!
Signs of Glory has a new webpage too! See here!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Your God makes this promise, so it is coming!
Be patient as you wait with anticipation... Spring is just around the corner!

Signs of Glory will come to your Church/Event to JOYFULLY praise with you! If you are seeking to reach the young families, we can do it JOYFULLY! See Signs of Glory HERE!
More Family Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design!

Signs of Glory will come to your Church/Event to JOYFULLY praise with you! If you are seeking to reach the young families, we can do it JOYFULLY! See Signs of Glory HERE!
More Family Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Organize your THOUGHTS with "holy cows?!"
No need to worry... He's got your back!
More Christian Organizing resources at A1 Organizing & Design
Organize JOYFUL PRAISE at your Church with SIGNS of GLORY! I would love for you to meet the rest of my family and we would love to worship with you!
More Christian Organizing resources at A1 Organizing & Design
Organize JOYFUL PRAISE at your Church with SIGNS of GLORY! I would love for you to meet the rest of my family and we would love to worship with you!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Organizing Tips
So-so tape, but awesome info!
More Christian Organizing tips for Head, Home and Heart HERE!
Less mess, less stress... God bless!
More Christian Organizing tips for Head, Home and Heart HERE!
Less mess, less stress... God bless!
Friday, February 8, 2013
How to Organize an Enthusiastic Sunday Morning!
Hey! If you can move your arms... we need you! Our theme this year is JOY!
When we JOYFULLY come to your Church we want people to be involved so... if you can do THIS... we want you and need you to be another SIGN of GLORY! Great way to get the teens in your Church involved, or even in the door! God moves in music, ask King David.
The kids would LOVE for you to "Like" their SIGNS of GLORY page! Thank you! We look forward to JOYFULLY and enthusiastically Praising with YOU!
Signs of Glory

When we JOYFULLY come to your Church we want people to be involved so... if you can do THIS... we want you and need you to be another SIGN of GLORY! Great way to get the teens in your Church involved, or even in the door! God moves in music, ask King David.
The kids would LOVE for you to "Like" their SIGNS of GLORY page! Thank you! We look forward to JOYFULLY and enthusiastically Praising with YOU!
Signs of Glory
Monday, February 4, 2013
Organizing Myths
There are some Organizing Myths flying around out there, make sure these are NOT keeping you from getting Organized!
More Organizing Tips at A1 Organizing & Design
If you are looking for UNIQUE & PASSIONATE Praise & Worship at your Church,
SIGNS of GLORY (mostly kids) do an absolutely beautiful visual interpretation
of the Bible through (ASL) American Sign Language and Contemporary Christian
Music... see a promo here! We JOYFULLY come to you, this years theme is JOY!
See SIGNS of GLORY here!
Have a blessed week and we are here if you need us! 740 757 2944
More Organizing Tips at A1 Organizing & Design
If you are looking for UNIQUE & PASSIONATE Praise & Worship at your Church,
SIGNS of GLORY (mostly kids) do an absolutely beautiful visual interpretation
of the Bible through (ASL) American Sign Language and Contemporary Christian
Music... see a promo here! We JOYFULLY come to you, this years theme is JOY!
See SIGNS of GLORY here!
Have a blessed week and we are here if you need us! 740 757 2944
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Please be Conscious of This!
Hey, I loved football too man. Lived up north, went to Browns games, had Bernie Kosar autograph, cards, have browns shirts, pics had it all. (and loyal to my team win or lose) Still "like" football, although too raunchy for my kids to watch w/commercials and all, but I just don't cheer for my team louder than I cheer for my God. And I don't want to hear "I'm not used to praising God outloud, it's a personal thing" - You're not used to winning the lotto either but if you did... I bet you could muster up some "Wahooo!" then... without practice. Just be sensitive to the priorities we are passing on to the little ones who do nothing but learn from us (and those around us) Have a great day :) I hope your team wins, but remember who made your team and give Him a "woot woot" too!
Friday, February 1, 2013
It's coming! God told us we get all seasons... and this winter is coming to a close... and that means... SPRING! Now that February is here there are just 48 days til Spring!
So no more "I hate winter, I hate the snow" look ahead! Maybe this will help with your Habitude:
And 52 days til we can swim... in a very large hot tub! We will be having at least 2 parties right away... my 49th birthday party, the whole April 4th weekend. Come! Snow or not, the water will be hot! And then... SIGNS OF GLORY Swim Party!!!! Wahooooo!
So no more "I hate winter, I hate the snow" look ahead! Maybe this will help with your Habitude:
And 52 days til we can swim... in a very large hot tub! We will be having at least 2 parties right away... my 49th birthday party, the whole April 4th weekend. Come! Snow or not, the water will be hot! And then... SIGNS OF GLORY Swim Party!!!! Wahooooo!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
JOY = Strength
Ponder this:
If "The JOY of the Lord is my strength"
and HE says that it is...
How strong are we?
Again, how JOYFUL are we?
And how would anyone know?
More Joyful resources at
A1 Organizing & Design
JOY for your Church with SIGNS of GLORY here!
If "The JOY of the Lord is my strength"
and HE says that it is...
How strong are we?
Again, how JOYFUL are we?
And how would anyone know?
More Joyful resources at
A1 Organizing & Design
JOY for your Church with SIGNS of GLORY here!
Monday, January 28, 2013
No Joy Allowed!
Sometimes, it's just the music... so we will come to your Church and bring excitement with Sign Language to contemporary Christian music that only these kids can do! See here!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Organize yourself with Praise
Although this "practice" tape was made so SIGNS of GLORY could rehearse remotely it has amazing benefits for you in 2013 because in 3 minutes you can:
1. Learn Sign Language with us, you use your brain... keep learning new things!
2. Something happens to you when you worship this way, you'll feel great all day!
3. Your body is getting fantastic exercise
4. It is so much fun!
5. You are ORGANIZING your Priorities. Your God expects you to acknowledge and honor Him. Bonus: Amazing things happen when you do. Wouldn't you favor those who were SIGNS of GLORY for you??
Amen, come, reap the rewards of PRAISERCISE in 3 minutes. Plus remember, we want to come to you and PRAISE with you at your church too!
More at The kids would love for you to "like" them!
Christian Coaching at A1 Organizing & Design
1. Learn Sign Language with us, you use your brain... keep learning new things!
2. Something happens to you when you worship this way, you'll feel great all day!
3. Your body is getting fantastic exercise
4. It is so much fun!
5. You are ORGANIZING your Priorities. Your God expects you to acknowledge and honor Him. Bonus: Amazing things happen when you do. Wouldn't you favor those who were SIGNS of GLORY for you??
Amen, come, reap the rewards of PRAISERCISE in 3 minutes. Plus remember, we want to come to you and PRAISE with you at your church too!
More at The kids would love for you to "like" them!
Christian Coaching at A1 Organizing & Design
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Pick your attitude on purpose today... or someone else will pick it for you!
More truth at
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Organized life yet?
Whether you have not stuck to your plan for 2013 or you haven't even set goals for 2013, I think I know why...
You didn't write them down! Go get your 2013 Goal sheet and spend a few minutes planning the rest of your life! Hey, we spend way more time planning a vacation than we do for planning the other 51 weeks! Go now, Plan now, it costs nothing!
Failing to plan is planning to fail. Either way, you have made a decision!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
You didn't write them down! Go get your 2013 Goal sheet and spend a few minutes planning the rest of your life! Hey, we spend way more time planning a vacation than we do for planning the other 51 weeks! Go now, Plan now, it costs nothing!
Failing to plan is planning to fail. Either way, you have made a decision!
More Christian Organizing at A1 Organizing & Design
Friday, January 11, 2013
5 Minutes to Blessed
Get Organized, Fit AND Begin your blessing for the day... join me NOW for 5 minutes... of PRAISERCISE!
Do it alone or we will come and Praise with you... most are kids! You can "like" Signs of Glory Here!
We would love to come to you!
More about Signs of Glory here (Proof that sowing and reaping do work!)
More on Organizing your Life here (Proof that diligent plans lead to profit...)
Do it alone or we will come and Praise with you... most are kids! You can "like" Signs of Glory Here!
We would love to come to you!
More about Signs of Glory here (Proof that sowing and reaping do work!)
More on Organizing your Life here (Proof that diligent plans lead to profit...)
Monday, January 7, 2013
13 things you can do RIGHT NOW to Change Your 2013
1 Laugh out loud every single day, many times.
2 Be the most positive person everywhere you go. Right now, whether you “feel like it” or not, be the Shining Light! Smile and say "Hello" to everyone you see, yes in the store, at home, at the red light, at work. Oh, and make eye contact too.
3 List 10 reasons to be grateful right now. Don’t forget about your eyes to read this, the computer to receive this, any food in your cabinets, running water, a shower, and all the other things we may take for granted. Then… if you really want monumental changes in your life, add 3 more each day! And it gets even better when you have your children do this as well, talk about it while tucking them in.
4 Tuck the kids into bed every night. Pray with them while you are there. Yes, even teenagers, especially teenagers!
5 Make the habit of spending time with your Creator before you ever get out of bed
6 Spend time with your family that doesn’t include a screen – right now.
7 Never have the TV on for more than an hour a day
8 Pray with your Spouse outside of church too. I heard Dr. Phil (and everyone seems to believe him!) say that America’s divorce rate was nearly 1 out of 2, “unless….” You do this: Pray with your spouse at home! Why are we not praying with our partners!?
9 Forgive them all; right now. You don’t have to be friends, just don’t be enemies. Remember your God knows your heart. You truly know that you have forgiven those who have done you wrong when you can pray for their blessings.
10 This one is great for your kids as well: Look for, seek out someone you can help today (every day) Ex: help carry, open door, help pay, leave a nice note, encourage, give time, tell good job, help with chores, just listen. Oh, and… this is a cure for depression as well!
11 Leave notes for your husband in his shirt pockets, socks, planner, tool box etc. We have been HAPPILY married for over 22 years, and he still LOVES the notes. Nope, never gets tired of hearing what a great dad, provider, listener, giver, handsome husband he is. Imagine that! And don’t forget to include empowering Scripture! Think about it ladies, this is important. Men love them, he will think of you when he randomly finds one, and positive notes boost their confidence. I can tell when my husband hasn’t had notes for a while! If you don’t a crabby old man later, do something about it today! Remember… sowing and reaping!
12 Take some time to reflect - either alone or with a Mentor or friends. Until recently, I never knew how important history was! The Bible tells us there is nothing new under the sun. It has all been done before. Read your Bible, learn from Him. Learn from and with others!
13 Organize a mail station and start filing what you need to keep. Don’t let all the paper drive you crazy in 2013! The devil isn’t after your “stuff” he wants your “joy”.
These are just a few things that you could incorporate into your life RIGHT NOW that will change your “Habitude”. Remember, your Habitude, is your attitude by habit. We have control over our thoughts, our attitude, our Creator says that we do!
This is just food for thought, but it all really works. And hey, “You are going to eat anyway today, so choose your food from the buffet above, right now!”
Get your 2013 Goal Sheet at A1organizing and taking the Organizing Quiz!
2 Be the most positive person everywhere you go. Right now, whether you “feel like it” or not, be the Shining Light! Smile and say "Hello" to everyone you see, yes in the store, at home, at the red light, at work. Oh, and make eye contact too.
3 List 10 reasons to be grateful right now. Don’t forget about your eyes to read this, the computer to receive this, any food in your cabinets, running water, a shower, and all the other things we may take for granted. Then… if you really want monumental changes in your life, add 3 more each day! And it gets even better when you have your children do this as well, talk about it while tucking them in.
4 Tuck the kids into bed every night. Pray with them while you are there. Yes, even teenagers, especially teenagers!
5 Make the habit of spending time with your Creator before you ever get out of bed
6 Spend time with your family that doesn’t include a screen – right now.
7 Never have the TV on for more than an hour a day
8 Pray with your Spouse outside of church too. I heard Dr. Phil (and everyone seems to believe him!) say that America’s divorce rate was nearly 1 out of 2, “unless….” You do this: Pray with your spouse at home! Why are we not praying with our partners!?
9 Forgive them all; right now. You don’t have to be friends, just don’t be enemies. Remember your God knows your heart. You truly know that you have forgiven those who have done you wrong when you can pray for their blessings.
10 This one is great for your kids as well: Look for, seek out someone you can help today (every day) Ex: help carry, open door, help pay, leave a nice note, encourage, give time, tell good job, help with chores, just listen. Oh, and… this is a cure for depression as well!
11 Leave notes for your husband in his shirt pockets, socks, planner, tool box etc. We have been HAPPILY married for over 22 years, and he still LOVES the notes. Nope, never gets tired of hearing what a great dad, provider, listener, giver, handsome husband he is. Imagine that! And don’t forget to include empowering Scripture! Think about it ladies, this is important. Men love them, he will think of you when he randomly finds one, and positive notes boost their confidence. I can tell when my husband hasn’t had notes for a while! If you don’t a crabby old man later, do something about it today! Remember… sowing and reaping!
12 Take some time to reflect - either alone or with a Mentor or friends. Until recently, I never knew how important history was! The Bible tells us there is nothing new under the sun. It has all been done before. Read your Bible, learn from Him. Learn from and with others!
13 Organize a mail station and start filing what you need to keep. Don’t let all the paper drive you crazy in 2013! The devil isn’t after your “stuff” he wants your “joy”.
These are just a few things that you could incorporate into your life RIGHT NOW that will change your “Habitude”. Remember, your Habitude, is your attitude by habit. We have control over our thoughts, our attitude, our Creator says that we do!
This is just food for thought, but it all really works. And hey, “You are going to eat anyway today, so choose your food from the buffet above, right now!”
Get your 2013 Goal Sheet at A1organizing and taking the Organizing Quiz!
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