These are 10 things you can do (or not do) RIGHT NOW that will enhance your life and change the lives of those around you. Guaranteed.
10. Watch less TV and skip the commercials. Don’t create that “lust for more” by wanting what others have. Be satisfied with what you have materially. When you are happy with what you have you don’t mind sharing.
- Don’t lie about others, simply be truthful and avoid gossip.
- Keep your hands to yourself. Don’t take what isn’t yours.
- Be True to your word or don’t say it. Be faithful in what you think, say and do.
- Help other People, Don’t ever hurt someone else. I heard somewhere very
reliable that murder is a sin.
- Respect your Parents, they are why you are here. Speak to them and of them
Respectfully always. Treat them with honor simply for the position they hold.
- Set time aside to think. Structure your time, your week so you have time to reflect on the things that really matter.
- Broaden your horizons if you curse. It shows a limited vocabulary, that you
lack self control, good judgement, and that you don’t care about the feelings of
anyone but yourself. Just who are we to “GD” anything or anyone, is the Creator of the World taking your cue??
2. Don’t make “things” so important in your life that someone could mistake them
for idols. Prioritize your life by putting first things first.
1. Know the Creator of Existence. Trust in the One who made you. He is the
only One who has loved you so much that He died for YOU.
I can guarantee that these are the 10 things that will change your life, not because I say so, but the One who put every star in it’s proper place and knew you before He formed you in the womb tells you so in His Word.
No, I can’t take credit for these for they are the 10 commandments, I just started backwards. I just pray you knew that as you were reading them. More people today know 10 brands of beer but cannot name the 10 commandments. Christians, we have work to do!
More to help you put The Word to work in your everyday life, information on Christian Coaching at!
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