I am challenging you.
As Americans we hate to be put in the position of little or no choice. So I say let’s not put ourselves in that position! Do it on purpose!
You knw how differently it feels when we CAN’T buy something versus when we make up our minds NOT buy something. By making decisions now and sticking to them, we take back our power, as well as our control! When we go to the store for 3 items and leave with 10 (or more) we are the victim. We consider ourselves spoiled (as if it were a good thing) for all we have when in reality we are like sheep being led to the slaughter.
If soaring gas prices are what we need for this reality check, then so be it. And yes, praise God. Now is the time for a major decision. Prepare your family by making plans ahead of time. I challenge you. Again, it's different when you HAVE TO to something vs. Having made the decision ahead of time yourself!
1. Drive on purpose. Consolidate, spend more time at home with your family!
2. Don't put something in the laundry if it doesn't really need it.
3. Purposefully use the electric. Don't have lights on that you don't need and limit the amount of TV time! (that will benefit your family in more ways than one!)
4. Stock up! We all wish we could have stocked up gasoline prior to now. We all know the cost of food is becoming ridiculous. Made this critical decision and stock up on food!
We have expanded our Organizing business to include "Organizing for a Crisis" because we sleep so much better knowing that no matter what crisis comes ahead, man-made or otherwise, our family will not go hungry.
You better believe tougher times are in our future. So yes, praise God for high gas prices if that prompts us to begin living, spending and parenting more purposefully!
Go to www.FamilyReadyFood.com and if you call me with your order of over $100 I will ship this 10 year amazing food (all natural and AMERICAN MADE) to you for free! And if you mention "Holly's Habitude" you will also get 10% off!
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